Know Your Skin!

The best route to complexion perfection is to get to know your skin type, which is an important first step in knowing how to treat your skin, what products to use, and how to have a perfect skin.

Your skin may be determined by your oil and water balance. Be very careful about the products you put on your skin. Using the wrong creams, over exfoliating, or using products full of perfumes and alcohol are the things that negatively affect your skin type. Some ingredients can dry and make the skin very sensitive.

An extreme low-fat diet can cause your skin to become dry. Smoking and drinking can deplete your skin of nutrients. Your skin gets affected by the changes in the climate, hormonal changes occurring during extreme stress, puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, pre-menopause, and menopause. These are the times most clients contact Appleskin for medical grade skin and facial services as no one likes to walk around with breakouts, flaky skin, wrinkles and pigmented patches. There are numerous treatments available in today’s date to make your skin flawless like diamond dermabrasion, gel peels, lasers, mesotherapy, dermarollers, stem cells and various skin lightening treatments. Botox and fillers are wonderful products if one is looking for a quick facelift without any complications.

“I have seen in my practice sometimes just changing your products to the professional cosmeceutic range can dramatically make your skin better. One should change their cleanser and moisturizer twice a year to provide less or more hydration depending on the season.” Says Dr. Deepti. At the beginning of each season, you should get a skin check from your doctor at least once a year to determine what products to use because different skin types require different product formulations and it will also help you take better care of it so it can be flawless and age as it should, not before its time.

For any queries, contact Dr. Deepti at Ph: 9560370555, 011-42060310.

Address: Appleskin Clinic; 1212, D-Mall, (12th floor) Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura;;

Walk-in for a FREE Skin Analysis at APPLESKIN clinic on 25th (between 12-6pm), and 26th (between 4-7pm) January and take home a FREE gift hamper.

*Prior appointment is mandatory.

We’ve all been there: That moment mid-appointment when you catch yourself shamelessly staring at your hairdresser, dermatologist, or dentist and thinking, How the heck does she pull it off? What’s the secret to her great hair, pore-free complexion, or flawless teeth?

Skin Q& A: Do Chocolate and Greasy Foods Cause Acne?

No. This is definitely a myth. There is no evidence that chocolate and greasy foods will increase acne breakouts, however, there are certain foods that can such as dairy products (when cystic acne occurs in the chin and jawline area) and acidic foods (when the blemishes occur in the cheek area) like tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, and citrus fruits. If you get acne breakouts in these areas, try cutting back and your skin may clear up!

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